Lost and Found

It feels like I have run out of the ability to do so many things; I tried to knit but my hands were fatigued quickly, I tried to sew but had forgotten what tensions to use, how to put patterns together; I tried to paint but found myself unable to discern the line of enough and too much pressure on the paintbrush, in the paint, how to compose art on the page; I tried writing but found the words stilted and locked up.

It is a frustrating decline for a creative person, to feel unable to create. 

But reading gets me through. I am so grateful that my ability to focus on a storyline and character development has come back and that I can lose myself in worlds beyond once again. I am glad that we re-designated space in our home for my library to grow--a place where time can lapse, as in Narnia, and I can escape my current worries and angst.

I may be unable to create for now but I can enjoy the creation of worlds beyond this one, at least for a moment, and I can hope that things lost can still be found.


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